
Bush Hill Park

Women's Captain Announcement's 10th May 2023

The spring meeting heralds the women’s new golfing year and today the sun shone, the rain held off, the course was lush and green, and beginning to look quite resplendent, and the cakes in the hut were amazing! Lots of thank yous to everyone who made it such a lovely day but especially to Lisa for managing the results so efficiently, all our wonderful bakers, Roy and his team for a fabulous meal and Sonia, Debbie and their team who are always amazing. Overall scratch winner was my wonderful playing partner Lucy with gross 88, with Sarah Rees winning the first division with net 72 and Alex Towndrow winning the second division with a wonderful net 68. The team prize for the afternoon was won by Alex, Margaret, Helen Savage and Sue Nugent which was fabulous as it was the first spring meeting they had all taken part in. Well done to everyone though for taking part and making it such a special day.

It was delightful to see the five Egyptian goslings still alive and now quite big, together with three baby moor hens. I’m not sure if anyone noticed the two large ducks on the green on the 13th who were clearly a bit confused as I understand when Sarah Carver hit her ball on to the green, one of them immediately sat on clearly mistaking it for an egg. It’s amazing that the geese have managed to survive considering last year none did.

Next Wednesday we have the Ping 4BBB which is an England Golf competition followed the week later by the Victory cup which is played over 36 holes. For those women who like to play their competitions on a Sunday there is a medal on Sunday 21 May. Sign up as always is on IG.

On the social front there is line dancing this Friday and a coronation quiz next Thursday, so plenty of time to brush up on your hell and toe splits together with the grapevine, and your royal lineage.

Happy golfing.

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